Monday, December 14, 2020

Remembering Why We Fight

 Brothers, Sisters, Friends, and neighbors!  Remember the Fall of the Soviet Union.  Remember the Age of Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and Margaret Thatcher.  It is OUR JOB - Generation X (1961-1980) and the Younger Boomers to remember the Age of Ronaldus Magnus - Ronald Reagan.  Recall the stories of the Great Struggle of Freedom versus Communism and the courage of Reagan, Thatcher, and the Pope in the Great fight that WE WON over all ODDS.  We Beat their ASSES.  Remember the Communists were Hell Bent on conquering the world through the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China.  We fought them for 44 years, and we Won.  Now, we face the Modern Battle against the Central Banks.  Some say Globalists.  Some say Internationalists.  They are all part of the Satanic Cabal Hell bent on destroying nations and peoples and integrating them into nameless hordes of faceless humanity with and number and no family nor heritage.  This is the Evil we Fight today: They Hate your Families.  They Hate your Heritage.  They Hate your Ancestors.  Never before in history have we been under a Satanic regime that wishes to Kill their Parents and violate the Sacred bond of Family, and the Commandment from God Almighty to, “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.”  They want you to forget your Family so you can be an isolated individual that can be controlled by these vile, sick and disgusting Devils.  Remember who We fight!  Remember what these Devils want!  Remember they will never stop until we wipe them off the Face of the Earth!!!  We must be brave as those who stood against Communism, and then, one day, the entire system collapsed in a Single Moment, and Communism was NO MORE.  Our old Russian allies were freed from the Satanic System that hated their churches and hated their families.  The Russians were freed, and the world was free.  We are entering in to the Age of Aquarius with the same theme for the next 250 plus years.  We shall set Mankind free.  So, your job as a Middle Aged person, or Elder, is to Remind the next generation of the Past Glories of the Fight for Freedom.  We remind the Young that when we Stand Firm with Absolute Certainty against Evil - may Death be Damed - Evil shall fall - and it shall be a Spectacular Fall like Satan cast out of Heaven in a Bolt of Lightning!!!  This is who we are.  This is the Challenge of this Coming Age!!!  For your Family’s Honor, and for your Ancestors cheering you on from Heaven!!!

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