Monday, December 21, 2020

Clash of the Titans: Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn TODAY

 Clash of the Titans! Today is the Actual Event. In fact, about 10 minutes ago. Cronus (Saturn) was the old god, and Zeus (Jupiter) was the younger son, who fought his demented father for the Throne of the King of the Gods. The New Generation of gods were the Olympians; the Old Generation was the Titans. Today is the day that Jupiter overtook Saturn in the Great Fight of the gods in Heaven. Christian tradition retold the same story of Satan and Michael - same story; different tradition. The Roman god Jupiter became Michael, and the older god became a hodgepodge of things that are obscure to explain. The long term effects of this will last 200-400 years. This is also the Star of Bethlehem heralding the birth of the Son of God. The current Old Gods - the Deep State - are fighting against he younger New Gods, the Deplorables, Real America, and the Trump team. Trump is a Jupiterian figure. His Ascendant is Leo the Lion. His destiny is to Destroy the Old Regime, and that he has sufficiently done thus far, and time will tell if he Presides over its Death. In any case, the world will never be the same after 2020. They will tell legends of this time for Centuries.

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